Introduction to the Web Site

Contrary to popular belief, mathematics can actually be fun.  It can also incorporate considerable beauty and artistic opportunity.  In geometry, I find one such opportunity in the multitude of forms and shapes that can be realized in the historic plane algebraic  curves. With the advent of dynamic-geometry software, this beauty can be visualized much more readily and in a variety of ways.
I developed this web site to show how geometric constructions of the classic algebraic curves, in concert with a dynamic-geometry application such as Geometer's Sketchpad®, can be the platform for abstract designs that you can watch being created on the computer screen—mathematics as art!  The web site is not intended for only people who are already interested in mathematics, although there are more details available if they wish.  My hope is that even the math-phobic will appreciate the beauty and balance of these animations.


Click here for more art

About Don

Don's web photo
I have degrees in mathematics from Georgia Institute of Technology.  I worked most of my adult life as a cryptographer, manufacturing cryptographic equipment for the banking and financial industries.  Since my retirement I live in Nags Head NC and Norfolk VA with my wife Jo.  My interest in Dynamic Geometry began with my discovery of such applications on the Internet.  The result of that interest is this web site and several of my publications.

Check out my most recent publication Here: